Perspective of Poetry đź“–

A summary of my views

Matthew Wei
3 min readJan 29, 2021
A bundle of roses laying on a book of poems
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Poetry can mean something or nothing, depending on if you take it at face value. It is shaped by how you view it and your experiences in the world. Of course, there are many ways to perceive stories depending on person to person. But, what poetry means to me is to let me see how others see the world, their perspectives, and feelings towards certain subjects. It is interesting to try to step in the shoes of someone other than yourself. There is also another way to look at poetry, as instead of on a personal level, looking at it on a collective level. It tries to summarize the ideas of a whole generation/group to display their struggle or triumph through their eyes and ideas.

Poetry is subjective, so my writing style takes on a more personal and fun approach. The original poem is by Elizabeth Barret Browning called How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

How do I love Python? Let me count() the ways.

I love my algorithms to the depth first search and breadth first search

My stackoverflow can reach any issue, when hope is feeling out of sight.

For the end of line and syntax errors frustration.

Comes the love for triumph we gain through deliberation.

Most quiet need, by sun and day-light.

I love my phone freely, as people strive for likes;

I love my VSCode purely, as it is lightweight and fast

I love my MacBook with the passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.

I love my JavaScript with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I love my GitHub commits with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God so choose,

I shall but love my “Hello World” better after death.

Empty class room with rows of seats
Photo by Nam Hoang on Unsplash

In class, I had to reconstruct a poem and my writing process was just to change some words to fit the world of a Software Engineer. It was difficult at first to list out things I liked because there is a lot of information that we are learning in becoming one, but once I slowed down, it became a little bit easier. There are many lessons and skills you can learn from just becoming a Software Engineer. You come to love a lot of things especially with all the technologies being used. All of them are unique in their little tropes but are similar on a larger scale because once you learn your first language, it becomes easier to pick up other coding languages. It is awesome to reflect where you came from just printing out “Hello World” in the terminal, compared to yourself now, a person who has grown and learned a lot in their life.

